Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The election of 2008

I have been around for a while. I've seen Bill Clinton tell a story fit for a stupid porno flick and Dick Nixon resign. I was a child when JFK was killed. Many of my friends are completely cynical and feel that no matter who is in charge we are screwed.
I feel that as long as 51 of the 100 richest entities on earth are corporations and 49 are governments that nothing will ever change.
I'm not so positive about about the veracity of that statement but you get the idea.
As long as charity, healthcare and being a member of congress are for-profit enterprises then nothing will change.
I applaud all the new voters and us old farts who voted for change in a historic election, and I hope that we will not be disappointed. We have serious problems.
More than once I have visited Franklin D Roosevelt's grave and homestead nearby in Hyde park NY. I know that even with all his social programs and the good will of the country it took WW II to get us out our slump. Will there be something to energize us this much this time?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree regarding the vote, it was historic. But where did it really get us? Programs are being slashed, for the 1st time since social security started, there will be no cost of living increase for 2010. Now the government thinks they can do a better job regarding HealthCare then the prirate that are raping us now! They say it is just another "choice", but for all those who live at or below the proverty line this is not a "choice" it will be the only HealthCare. I personally hope it doesn't pass.